My wife, Deb, and I have been looking into moving for the past year. We have things we both want, like more rooms and a pool. We have differences as well. She wants to be more central. I'd rather be farther out and have more land. She wants more community. I want more privacy. Our differences are a big reason why we haven't found the right place.
In this post, I will discuss why online therapy may be right for you as well as some things to be cautious about. I moved with my family from New York to Austin three years ago. I had an office in New York where I saw 75% of my patients. For varying reasons, I worked with the other 25% online or via telephone.
I love getting questions from readers about parenting and relationships. It is often difficult to specifically address situations because I don't know the specific people involved, but it is possible to speak to the issues and themes in a more general way that will hopefully provide some help and guidance. The following are three recent questions from readers that I will address.
March 2022
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