Parenthood and Sleep: Uncovering the Elusive Concept
Here's an article by a parent and a sleep specialist with some good advice for parents... |
How Helicopter Parenting Can Cause Binge Drinking
Helicopter parenting is a modern phenomenon that stems in large part from reactions to old-school parenting. Here's an interesting article on the correlation between helicopter parenting and binge drinking on college campuses... |
One Powerful Way to Let Go of Your Parenting Fears
This is a good article by Dr. Shefali Tsabary on the problems that arise when parents project their own issues and shortcomings onto their kids... |
Hope for the Hypersensitive Child
This is a great site by Susan Cain called for and about issues related to being an introvert. This is an article by a dad of a hypersensitive child... |
Quiet Revolution's Top Stories of 2015: Part 1
Here's part 1 of the most read articles of 2015 from the QuietRev site... Quiet Revolution's Top Stories of 2015: Part 2 Here's part 2 of the most read articles of 2015 from the QuietRev site... |
7 Issues All Co-Parents Face and How to Overcome Them
A good article on co-parenting. This one addresses 7 common issues that all co-parents face and how to address them; including bedtime, talking badly about the other parent and schedule changes... |
Co-Parenting Tips Before School Starts
Co-parenting tips for divorced parents on how to prepare for the coming school year includes designing a customized parenting plan, expectations regarding school work and after-school activities... |
10 Absurd Things Nobody Tells You About Having Children
From "What is it that nobody tells you about having children?" There are some good ones here. I think my favorite is letter H... |
4 Struggles Every Mom Can Relate To
Here's an article by a mom for moms on four struggles most moms can relate to... |
How Parents Can Start To Dismantle Traditional Gender Roles For Their Kids
Another article by Dr. Shefali Tsabary, who says it’s time for a new wave of parenting when it comes to addressing traditional gender roles for their kids... |
How Do Happy Families Share Their Household Work
Here is an article on gender equality and household roles. Things have changed, but there's still a long way to go... |
2 Things You Should Never Withhold From Your Kids
One mom and parenting coach's perspective on why she chooses never to withhold these two things from her kids... |
Encouraging Your Parenting Partner - Praise and Thanks Go a Long Way
It's basic, but so true. It's easy to become complacent and take the things our partners do for granted, but praise and recognition do such a long way... |
Why Women Need To Grow Their Self-Worth
Good article by a positive psychologist on how and why women need to overcome early development and societal attitudes to claim their self-worth... |