This is Your Brain on Porn: Advice for Parents Are we using porn as a giant trash can for lots of things that should be recycled instead? Read this article, which explores the complicated relationship we have to porn in contemporary society... |
Moral Judgments Distort Perceptions of Risk to a Child Interesting article on studies that show that our perceptions of risk regarding our children are largely based on judgment and bias versus reality... |
When Irreconcilable Differences Aren't Really Irreconcilable When Irreconcilable Differences Aren't Really Irreconcilable - Navigating rough patches in #parenting & #marriages... |
Bringing the Family Together at the Dinner Table Dinner is a classic place to bring family together... |
14 Things You Need to Know About Having Baby # 2 Article in Parents Magazine about having a second child... |
6 Phrases That are Ruining Your Relationship These are things to try to avoid saying to your partner... |
5 Reasons Why Every Couple Should Try Therapy Together Five reasons why it's worth giving therapy a shot with your partner... |
The Perils of 'Sharenting' Should our kids have veto power over our Facebook posts? |
Sweden Gets Parenting Right - Here's How Looking to Sweden for parenting lessons... |
3 Common Marriage Vows That May Actually Be Unhealthy The fine line between love and codependency... |
The Best Parenting Advice I Will Ever Give "Love your kid unconditionally. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about you, or your kid, as long as you love them for exactly who they are..." |
Is Our Screen-Time Anxiety More Detrimental Than Screen Time Something most parents can relate to... |
How Changes in Parenting Style Lead to the 'Me Generation' Generation Y and the decreasing capacity for empathy should make parents look in the mirror... |
A Major Update Relaxes Screen Time Rules For Some Kids Another article on screen time. Do we need to relax? |
Can Mental Illness be Prevented in the Womb? On choline supplementation for pregnant women... |
10 Ways of Thinking That Drag You Down Don't let #negative thoughts ruin the start to what could be a great #week. Learn how to banish these thoughts here... |
How a Monthly Date Could Save Your Marriage Couples that enjoy a night out together at least once a month are 14% less likely to break up... |
Decades of Studies Show What Happens to Marriages After Having Kids "It may help explain why the birth rate is going down..." |
Why Do So Many Couples Break Up After Having a Baby? Having children puts a tremendous strain on relationships and you cannot afford to ignore it... |